Game Design Studio III is the third course in a three course project sequence where students work in teams to create a substantial computer game.

Class announcements and discussion takes place via a Piazza class forum:

Learning Goals

Teams in Game Design Studio III have the following learning goals. These are the ability to...

  • Work in a team on a game project following Agile Scrum project management.
  • Conduct gameplay testing sessions, and iterate a game design based on player feedback.
  • Receive critical feedback on the game from experts, and iterate the game based on this feedback.
  • Design and implementation of game tutorials.
  • Use social and traditional media to promote a game project.
  • Construct a gameplay trailer that effectively communicates the game's premise and gameplay.
  • Construct a website that effectively communicates the game's premise and gameplay.
  • Use sound and visual effects to communicate user and gameworld actions.
  • Create a visually polished game that includes splash screens, menus, compelling in-game visuals, polish effects, etc.
  • Create an aurally polished game that effectively incorporates music and effects.
  • Create and deliver a polished high-quality presentation about the game to a large audience.

Meeting Times

The class has one Lecture meeting per week, on Tuesdays, from 4-5:45pm, in Kresge 327. Each team has an additional 35 minute meeting time with their TA and instructor during the week.

Teaching Assistants

Teaching assistants for the class are Dylan Lederle-Ensign ( and James Ryan (

Office Hours

Professor Whitehead has offices hours on Mondays, from 2-3:30pm, in his office, E2 273.